Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Honorary Sansculottes Indeed.

I wonder if this round of Parisian rioting will be as celebrated as 1968's.

That isn't sarcasm. I really don't know.

UPDATE: It gets worse. Keep in mind that this is a society self-evidently committed to social justice, to protecting the less fortunate from the cruel vagaries of capitalism. Their taxes are high, their social welfare cushion extensive. And unlike, say, the Netherlands, France has largely been insisting on assimilation. This rising discontent shouldn't exist. And yet, it does.

What was the line? "They came for the Jews..."


A nation can't be one of the foremost advocates for the proposition that an angry minority is justified in using violence to achieve its political desires and not expect similar angry minorities inside that nation to think, "Hmmmm..."


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