Friday, November 18, 2005

The Downside of a Spending Revolt

Pondering Vodkapundit's "still pissed off" post, and this week's Moron of the Week revelation at Samantha Burns, it occurs to me that if the conservative faithful do a mass sit-out, or even a mass run, due to budget or other right-wing reasons, it's almost guarunteed to not be reported as such by the MSM. They're beating their War-Is-Bad-MMKay drums so loud, and have made polls respond, that no other issues will be heard. Thus, the wrong message might be sent.

Good solutions? I don't have any. To put up with the administration's porkfest is to render our votes meaningless, as they don't translate into legislative results. But to punish them is to reward all the people who despise us. It's either foreign policy we like, or fiscal policy we like.

The consequences of the choice we made in 2004 may be coming due. Somewhere in P-Town, Andrew Sullivan is laughing.

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