Wednesday, September 24, 2003

While we're in Schadenfreude Mode...

I enjoyed thoroughly the news that Tom Green's show was cancelled. I can't stand him. He's always been a annoying doofus with a one-joke schtick, but his talk show demonstrated that he basically has no sense of humor. I refer to the chainsaw incident, wherein Jesse James Dupree of Jackyl took a chainsaw to Tom's Desk.

He's a lumberjack...and he's okay....

I can't say that I would enjoy a hair-band refugee doing damage to my set, either. But then I haven't made a career of vandalism-and-other-public-disturbance as entertainment. The fact that he couldn't even maintain a professional demeanor for the rest of the program shows what a useless diva he truly was, and is. Carson, Letterman, or Leno would have laughed it off while the cameras ran and fumed afterwards. Tom has no such acting ability to fall back on. He will not be missed.

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