Monday, September 22, 2003


Finally did the color-change I've long been thinking on. Finally changed the music links to reflect reality. My last review featured me whining about not being able to buy the music I want per my RIAA-related rant. While in borders today, I resolved to assuage my hunger and buy me some Black Flag. I bet that I could get a release on their original label and thus be free of corporate stickiness, and I was right: they didn't have Damaged, but I was able to pick up a compilation of their pre-Rollins days. So far, it's glorious hardcore punk, back before "hardcore" meant "guys who are too drunk to play metal." And it came with an SST records catalog, wherein I can buy Descendents and Minutemen. They're not the bands I'm trying to support, but they'll get me through the long night ahead.

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