Tuesday, September 16, 2003

The Dragon Stirs

Apparently the Chinese government has found it fitting to place 150,000 troops on the border with North Korea. Our governments think they might be pressuring the PRK on the weapons talk table, but perhaps not. The Chinese say they're looking to stop criminal activities by North Korean soldiers and/or slow the flow of refugees out of North Korea's worker's paradise.

So far, so typical. But check this out:

The Foreign Ministry statement said China's army also is taking over border-patrol duties from police on the frontier with Myanmar in the southwest, a major heroin-smuggling area.

The statement gave no reason, but Chinese police in the area say they are outgunned by drug gangs.

Now believing anything an official from the Chinese government says carries with it certain risks. But let us assume that the Chinese police are telling the truth. Suddenly it's not so difficult to remember similar episodes from China's past. I wonder how long the Communists shall keep the Mandate of Heaven?

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