Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Lies, And the Lying Liars Who Lie About Lies, While Lying that Lies aren't Lies, And Lying that Lies are Only Lies when Lying Liars Lie Them

No, I'm not going to make fun of Al Franken. He's as unworthy of my attention as Michael Moore or Ann Coulter, demonizers all. I'm going to direct you to a piece by Will Saletan of Slate, which is rapidly becoming the only left-leaning online mag worth reading (If for no other reason than they don't expect me to pay good money or watch commercials for the privelege of reading Joe Conason). Saletan does a workmanlike job of uncovering the faux-piety of Democrats shrill harping with regard to the other party, and closes with the following quotation:

Sure, some people are more guilty than others. But if that's your obsession, I commend to you the words of my colleague, Jack Shafer: If you're interested in which wing lies more, you're probably not very interested in the truth.

Amen, brother, Amen.

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