Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Owen Honors Pooped in the Punch Bowl. End of Story.

A good few wingnuts are up in arms over the fall of Owen Honors, the Captain of the USS Enterprise, who was a bit too Kirk for his own good. Here's Other McCain:

Just to be clear about the rules of the New Navy in the post-DADT era: An admiral can dress in drag and march in the San Francisco Gay Pride Parade, but any sailor who makes a wisecrack about such behavior will be drummed out of the service.

And Ace of Spades:

Honors is being hung out to dry for something that was either fine with his then superiors or which he was duly critiqued for and allowed to move on in his career. Either way, this is ex post facto outrage and the senior leadership of the Navy has simply thrown a dedicated and decorated officer to the wolves.

I respect their point of view, but I'm not sure I share it. There is no line of work in which you can make raunchy videos with your co-workers and subordinates and not get fired for it if it should come to light and embarass the higher-ups. Everybody blows off steam. Bosses are inclined to overlook blowing off steam, up to the point when it causes the public to question the judgement of the organization.

If you poop in the punch bowl at the company Christmas party, you might get away with it, depending on how funny everyone thinks it is. If you poop in the punch bowl at the company Christmas party and the pictures end up on Facebook, you're going to get fired, no matter how hard the boss laughed at the time.

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