Monday, January 10, 2011

Jeff Danziger is an Self-Important Asshat, and Other Thoughful Musings

Apparently if you're not within the actual confines of a court of law, you have no obligation to back your statements up with any kind of connection to fact.

Jeff Danziger, who doodles blurry editorial cartoons for the WaPo and presumably, other places, made his contribution to setting a new tone of calm introspection so needed after the Giffords shooting:
Ed Frank of Frank Strategies asks him to explain himself. Danziger replies with the usual boilerplate, that the Tea Parties anti-government rhetoric created a mind-controlling memefog that drove Loughner like the talking dog commanded Berkowitz. He does so while demonstrating command of no facts other than his Vietnam war record, which is as impressive as it is irrelevant.

Frank asks for a single piece of solitary evidence to back up his assertion. Danziger replies with the following atom-splitting chunk of Pure Genius:

Ed. We are not in court. I have been watching the development of this combination of loons and opportunists since it started. The Tea Party, the very name is ridiculous. Crazed fat people tortured by their lack of success in life, following the absolute worst of our politicians. Palin, Angel, Quayle’s rotten kid. These people are your choice for anything? The whole thing is based on unreality. Don’t you understand? And Mcveigh was reading that crazy shit from the enbd times or whagtever it is called.
If I was going to make up a stereotypical cornered-nitwit misdirecting non-response, I would not have penned one this utterly bereft of reason. It is adolescent in its mind-set: a set of assumptions based on hearsay and prejudice, into which knowledge of any kind cannot enter. The half-assed typing just seals the deal; I am dissapointed not to find ALLCAPS or a string of exclamation points melting into a string of 1's.

But wait, there's more:

In the end the government has GOT to work. We are in competition with the world. Car companies don’t compete. nation now compete. And these asses want to go back to the 1700′s. I’ve written enough. The whole thing is probably unstoppable except with another dumb war. That’s what usually happens. You can have it.
"Big Brother has to protect us, and if you disagree you're a Luddite, and Good Day, Sir! I'm going to slink off and Profoundly Despair For My Country. [music swells]"

This man believes himself wiser than the rest of us. He really really does. It makes me sad inside.


Anonymous said...

How ignorant is Jeff Danziger? He insults me as a tea partier...not fat, and very successful thank you. I work for Harvard Medical school, speak 5 languages, former opera singer who paints. The Tea Party rally on Boston Common was simply amazing - all highly educated people who came to share their hopes for liberty and free enterprise. I wish people like Danziger get a taste of what they thirst - a socialist society like the one my parents escaped from.

Andrew said...

If they did, they'd likely blame it on the remaining counter-revolutionaries. Damned kulaks, hiding everywhere!