Monday, January 17, 2011

On the New Civility

Jim Treacher calls out Richard Cohen for being the hypocrital swine he is:

Go ahead and insult anybody you want. But please excuse me if I don’t take you seriously when you turn right around and call on the rest of us to be nicer to each other.
And then, of course, there's Don Surber's Rant Heard Round the Right-osphere:

The left suddenly wants civil discourse.

Bite me.

The left wants to play games of semantics.

Bite me.

The left wants us to be civil — after being so uncivil for a decade.

Bite me.

The problem with all this is we don't even have an agreement about what civility consists of. What is it about the Tea Parties that the Left finds uncivil? The entirely peaceful protests, which usually leave the site cleaner than it was found? The dissent from the Keynsian Consensus of 2008? The accusations of socialism/fascism/communism levelled at Barack Obama? What?

If we could agree upon what was out of bounds, and we could trust the other side not to violate those bounds, perhaps we could establish this new civility.

As it stands though, I'm off to buy a bigger soapbox.

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