Friday, April 30, 2004

Whose Country is this, Anyway?

No, Sully, you aren't the only one who started to worry when he heard the Marines were handing Fallujah over to a previously unheard-of Iraqi army. This wasn't precisely what we were promised, was it? Furthermore, who is this Fallujah Protective Army? Who do they answer to? What guaruntee do we have that they'll actually do their job?

The only reason I didn't blog on this subject yesterday is because I was waiting for better information to come down the pike. Now I know that this plan is one they've been considering for some time, and that the FPA officers will answer to our own commanders for at least the time being. The last question remains in the air, but consider this: we're expecting Iraqis to govern themselves at some point. Within a few months, as a matter of fact. Might as well give them a chance to do that. It's not like Fallujah's going anywhere.

The thing to keep in mind is that we're not looking to add Iraq to the Union. All we wanted is for Hussein to be gone, and that Arabs get a chance to try something like the rule of law. We haven't got time to kill or pacify every Islamofascist in the country. There's still, after all, Iran and Syria to deal with.

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