Thursday, April 22, 2004

The Finest United Nations that Money Can Buy

The bribery and corruption of the Oil-for-Food program in Iraq prior to the war is gaining notice in the news. Instapundit's been blogging it for some time. It makes me wonder, and what to pose the following questions to those that oppose the war, for various reasons:

1) Does the fact that UN official were taking money from Saddam's regime cast doubts about the honesty of their opposition to the war?

2) Does the fact that UN officials were knowingly starving the Iraqi people for money cast doubts about their ability to govern the transition of Iraqi sovreignity better than we can?

3) Does any of the above change your opinions about a war's status as "just" being solely conferred by UN approval?

4) If the answer to any of the above is "no," can you explain why?

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