Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Sieg fur Links, Heil!

Did you know that George Bush is a Nazi? Bet you didn't. I'll bet you thought he was the President of the United States, required by Law and custom to consult the legislature elected by the people in their districts, almost half of which are his factional opponents, and engaged in a foreign-policy response to the 9/11 attacks, which killed thousands and destroyed one of the largest commercial centers in the country.

What, are you stupid, or something?

He's a Nazi. It's so obvious! He "had a catastrophe" (9/11) that allowed him to "remove many rights," just like Hitler did after the Reichstag fire. You've doubtless noticed how since the Patriot Act was passed we've all been forced to wear ethnic badges (green shamrocks, yellow stars of David, gold studded bling-blings, etc.) and are no longer allowed to criticize the administration. What do you mean, you haven't? See, this is exactly the kind of jingoistic pap I'm talking about, when you can't even see the evil in front of your eyes!

The Iraq War? Just like Poland. Hitler said he had reasons for invading Poland, too! And it's just like our war, because now we're like, ruling their country, just like the Nazis did! Don't you get it? The guy with the weaselly black moustache who liked to try and annex his neighbors, who gassed people that were of the wrong ethnic group, who delighted in the deaths of Jews, he wasn't the Nazi. If he was, then the rest of the world would have agreed with us. The rest of the world didn't agree with Hitler; the French and Russians never let him have anything. That's why he had to fight. C'mon, don't you get nuance?

Oh, so you're insisting that the historical circumstances are dissimilar, and that the "War on Terror" is not motivated by conqueror's ambition? What proof do you have for that naive statment? The fact that a return to Iraqi sovreignity is planned of the summer? Well, that's just not soon enough. If the UN was in charge, they'd have been out of there in a fortnight, because everyone would have agreed to everything, because all Arabs all love the UN because the UN makes no trouble about Arabs wanting to re-absorb their rightful inheritance to Palestine. Don't you see that they don't care about stuff like "democracy"? The rule of law becomes an incomprehensible and frightening bogey when you cross the Dardanelles. Self-interest becomes meaningless. The Iraqis just want a bunch of people they don't know to have Palestine back! It's their culture!

Your persistence in not understanding the Truth About Bush annoys me. Perhaps you have some unenlightened psychological need to trust in father figures. It's apparent that you think Bush is such a father figure, because why else would you trust what he says? There isn't any reason I can think of, so it must be a failing on your part.

Oh, I'm willing to put credence in some of the factual arguments you make, but don't you see how petty and narrow-minded that is? I'm talking spiritually here, that sense of Truth that just appears to you! When I hear Bush talking about how those states who are standing in the way of our effort are against us, I get this wierd feeling like the fascists are just about to take over! Like, right here, in the pit of my gut! How can you not feel the same way? Surely you'll grant that Bush is a little like Hitler, in the overall sense? It must be the best analogy available, because what others are there in the thousands of years of human history? You won't grant it? You republicans are so MEAN!

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