Thursday, March 04, 2004

Alex, Corrine Brown Called...

I don't expect someone who calls himself a "neo-liberal" to gush approvingly at NRO the way some of us shameless types do. But I would expect him to not sound like Ted Kennedy. Today Alex makes a charge of racism that seems a complete disconnect from reality. Someone explain where in Tim Graham's Corner post that anything like the support of white supremacy is advocated, or even suggested. Does Alex not grasp that Graham is accusing the Democrats of racial hypocrisy by nominating "another boring white federal office holder"? Are we retreating to the paleoliberal axiom that any time a conservative even mentions race, he is being racist?

Seriously, I don't get it. It's obviously too nuanced. Explain.

By the way, I haven't noticed anyone on the left start caring about the waste of a congressional seat mentioned in my title. Am I wrong?

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