Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Please, Make me "Wanker of the Day"...

Daily Kos seems excited because a bunch of College Republicans chanted "Hey hey, Ho ho, Social Security's got to go." Apparently this means that "the GOP is drowning on Social Security." He tells us that Atrios and Yglesias explain why. Atrios, as far as I can tell, mentions nothing but the same College Republican story, and Yglesias, has nothing but a vague claim that the argument is being won, while excorciating a particular democrat for being a "turncoat," (i.e. coming to the compromise position that raising taxes and private accounts will be required).

Yeah. The GOP is really swirling the drain. Their college recruits are enthusiastic to the point of hyperbole, and the House caucus is tricking Democrats into arguing a "terrible political idea," that will backfire on them. Wow. Them righties are in so much trouble.

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