Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Jay was Right...

You know how you know race relations in America are all right? When a black comic rips off a white director, and no one even notices.

I refer to Chris Rock, who, as the media bonfire around him begins to heat up has been revealed to think that any woman who gets an abortion is loose:

Abortion, it's beautiful, it's beautiful abortion is legal. I love going to an abortion rally to pick up women, cause you know they are f*!@*%g...

So quotes Dorinda Bordlee, a lawyer for Americans United For Life in a piece for National Review that defends Rock:

So here we are, five years into the new millennium, and a comedian has the nerve to say out loud what men across America know full well: that legalized abortion is great for their sex lives; that abortion on demand makes women into sex objects with the full consent of the highest court in the land; and that if their sexual use of a woman results in the unfortunate side effect of a pregnancy, then $300 and their "kindhearted" support of the woman's "right to choose" will take care of the problem.

My guess is Bordlee never saw Kevin Smith's Dogma, in which Rock stars, and in which recurring doofus and druggie Jay, after a loud proclamation of pro-choice beliefes, explains that he's hanging out in front of an abortion clinic to meet loose women. If she had, she might not be in such a rush to call this a revolutionary statement.

But let's go back to that idea, that abortion exists primarily to protect the Sexual Revolution. Surely, this is right-wing logic. No lefty could accept such reasoning, right?

Wrong. Here's Ellen Fulton in Salon, five years ago, urging men to vote for Gore or ruin their sex lives:
Women, on the other hand, won't be so understanding about this election. To many of us, this election is important. I hear a lot of women talking about the Supreme Court, because the idea that Roe vs. Wade would be overturned is an idea that many of us genuinely fear, even if we have qualms about abortion. Our rights are at stake in this election, and we know that "strict constructionist" judges don't support our rights. We hear pro-life types talk about how banning abortion is just a first step to getting rid of birth control pills and other types of birth control methods like IUDs. Now, even if you oppose abortion and think that overturning Roe vs. Wade is a good idea, think about the effect that changing the legal landscape for women's reproductive rights will have on your ability as a man to get laid. Then forget getting laid at all, because women whose options for dealing with an unplanned pregnancy have changed will decide to spend nights with vibrators instead of you.

She goes on to say that, when such happens, only guys who voted for Gore will be considered "sponge-worthy," as it were, and therefore that she encourages men everywhere to "vote with their dicks."

Charming, but let's summarize:

Conservative woman says: "Abortion exists to allow men to have sex as much as they want with no consequence."

Liberal woman says: "Get rid of abortion rights, boys, and see your sex life dry up."

I love it when a plan comes together.

Update: SuperBiff comments to tell me that the joke is Rock's after all, and Kevin Smith used it for the movie. I guess white artists are still ripping off black artists. Some things never change.


Andrew said...

You know, I wondered about that, but didn't have anything from early in Rock's career to go back to..I stand corrected and will update accordingly.

Annie said...
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Annie said...

Liberal woman says: "Get rid of abortion rights, boys, and see your sex life dry up."This reminds me of what I thought they meant by the chant, "Roe v. Wade or you won't get laid!" at the March for Choice April 25 last year. Perhaps that IS what they really meant, despite discussion to the contrary in the comments (which are gone now, but I don't know why).