Monday, September 13, 2004

I'm Getting Sick of These People

By which I mean the terrorists and their thrice-damned, silly-ass, super-telegenic "insurgency". We all know what they're thinking "kill enough people, and the West, blaming itself for the violence, will give in." We all know it, but more than enough people are willing to play the game. Let's lay it on the line: voting Kerry means voting Democrat means voting Left means voting defeat. And anybody currently unhappy with the violence (which should be just about everybody, one way or another) needs to deeply ponder what the consequences of defeate will be, for the WoT, for the world. We. Must. Not. Lose. Period.

Doubt me? Check this Marine's letter out (link via Sully). Let's hold on, and let's keep going. And you Democrats out there? If you've got a plan for doing that better, I think a lot of people will listen. But you need to come up with one, fast.

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