Sunday, September 05, 2004

Dixiecrats Under the Bed

Or, Drowning the Baby in the Bathwater

Sully can't seem to leave Zell Miller alone. I don't know if he finally sees someone he can denounce as a real live clansmen without sacrificing his "objectivity," but he's zeroing in on one statement and ignoring the rest of the man's subsequent career in public service, which has not been one of uniform racial hostility. Trent Lott he's not.

The sad thing is, he's got a real argument to throw against the old boy, the fact that a few of the weapon systems that Miller chastised Kerry for opposing have also been opposed, at one time or another, by GOP leadership, particularly Dick Cheney. A fair point, even if the WaPo's defense of Kerry that Sully links isn't quite the home run Sully thinks it is (so he didn't vote against them individually, just as part of a big package? Well, that makes it all better). But there is the beginning of an argument here, and if Sully stopped the "he's not a hippy, you redneck!" game, he might get somewhere with it.

UPDATE: Then again, he might not. Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiller has the goods on Kerry's Defense stance back in the 80's. The documents are here and here and there's a whole laundry list of weapons systems Kerry wanted to junk. How come Zell didn't have this handy?

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