Friday, May 07, 2004

One more for the road.

I have been a horrible grump, all day. This is because, just before I went to bed last night, my home computer got hit with the Sasser worm that shuts down your PC whenever you get online. I tried for hours, through various ISP's, to get enough time to download the security patch that fixes it, but all for naught. I didn't even tell my girlfriend what had happened, because I knew that to do so would unleash a chorus of invective, and I was trying to calm down (sorry, honey).

I would dearly like to know, who in the hell thinks this is an amusing way to spend your time, coming up with attack software to bother other people you don't even know. What's the thrill? "Oooh, look, here's a guy checking his bank balance, I'm gonna shut his computer off! Here's someone emailing his grandmother, I'm gonna shut his computer off! This guy's looking at pregnant-woman porn, I'm gonna...shut his computer off..." All I could think about was how I'd like to sit the little punk who designed this worm down and explain to him that there was a Charity Codec Failure, that is causing C://Andrew/fists/right.knkl to initiate a face core dump, and therefore your consciousness will terminate in :05 seconds. Please close any eyes you might have open...

'Course, that may well be what those chuzzlewits in Abu Ghraib were feeling.

This concludes WARBLOG WEEK at the Notion. Have a merry weekend. Next week's posts will be all about Music, poetry, and bunnies; I swear.

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