Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Hi. It's Hot.

And I have become Captain Obvious. I have also become disheartened at the "scandal" idiocy that seems to have inflamed the national conscience. I could sit here and dig up a historical defense for what we're doing in Iraq, and I could sit here and point out to you that we aren't doing nearly as badly as it would seem. And if you were on the right, you'd accept these views with a "right on, brother," and come away having really learned little that you did not already believe to be true. If you were on the other side, you'd very probably conclude that I was off my rocker, and emotionally incapable of dealing with what is perfectly obvious to you, that everything is falling apart.

Given that, I feel like I might as well say ekke-ekke-ekke f'TANG zurgleebulnffgnr... in all my blog posts. But that's Despair, arguably the worst of all the sins, because it's the enabler of every other one, just as Courage is the greatest of virtues, because it strengthens all the others.

So what I'm going to do is sit in the heat and ponder. And try to turn this site into what I've always wanted it to be, a collection of essays rather than an echo of Instapundit and NRO. This will require me to do some new thinking, and I may be off for a couple of days...

In the meantime, it's hot.

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