Wednesday, May 05, 2004

By the Bye...

As regards the whole Prisoner Abuse donnybrook, I think a few things should be obvious:

1. This was some seriously immoral behavior.

2. This was some seriously irresponsible behavior

3. There is no justification for this behavior.

4. Them as have done it should be sent to enjoy the rest of their lives at sunny Leavenworth.

That said, let's just do what we've been doing: breathe and move on. This isn't representative; this doesn't make us worse than Saddam. Saddam did this every day for thirty years, he covered it up, encouraged his society to ignore it, and had no intention of ever redressing it. We've been there but a year, we've allowed the allegations to see the light of day, we aren't ignoring it, and we're going to punish those responsible. If you are unable to percieve the difference, that isn't my problem.

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