Thursday, August 28, 2003

More Strategery

It's been whispered here and there that Dubya's deficit spending is a way to force liberals to stay honest -- the next Democrat that occupies the White House won't be able to construct grand new social visions because the money won't be there. Maybe that's true and maybe it's not. But it occurred to me today while reading Nick Schultz's blog in NRO's Corner. Bush is a big supporter of the prescription drug benefit for seniors (because, you know, drugs are so cheap and affordable for the rest of us). And the liabilities to be incurred by our existing entitlements are, according to Schultz, to come between $30 and 50 billion. I wonder if Bush is trying to force the issue, make plain the reality that there's only so much entitlement we can afford, and that it's time to de-Kaynesify. Can it be the old boy is forcing Atlas to shrug?

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