Monday, August 18, 2003

Did I mention...

...that meetings suck? They do. Especially faculty meetings wherein we gamely attempt to reinvent the wheel, as though we might suddenly happen upon the magic shibboleth that will transform horny, zoned-out teens into the Vanguard of the New Tommorrow™. Frankly, I could make much better use of the time in my classroom, actually putting time and thought into my lessons.

On the other hand, the faculty got their first glimpse of the New Sherrif. Our incoming President, Fr. Tipton S.J., shared with us some of the things he's changed and his vision for the school. He is a serious man, not in the sense that he isn't funny (he is), but in the sense that he suits his words to his actions and his actions to the realities around him. It may be too early to say, but I think we're in good hands.

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