Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Other stuff.

Now that I'm on a music purge (with 9 CD's due to arrive within the next week or so...who am I kidding?), it occurs to me that I don't read as much as I used to anymore. In my youth, books were my constant companion, I read voraciously, especially anything to do with history. But sometime after college I decided that I needed to live life instead of read about it, to formulate my own experiences instead of digesting others', to get some friggin' exercise. All the time I used to devote to reading are now spent writing, attempting to learn how to play electric bass, and doing theater.

Consequently, there's a whole list of books I've never cracked. Here's an Amazon geek's random sample. I've read some of most of these Dead White Males, and am familiar with the thoughts of most of the rest. But I've never read, say Proust, and differential calculus is a mystery wrapped in an enigma covered in numbers to me. Mayaps while I get pissy with RIAA I'll spend some of the music budget on books instead.

I've added a new link: that of political commentator James Lilek's blog. He's a funny man, and sharp as a katana. As an example, today's bleat fairly sums up my opinion on yesterday's Big News:

As for Uday and Qusay, now prone and perforated: huzzah.

Share and enjoy.

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