Friday, July 11, 2003

Bring Out the Pincers

I mentioned in my "Sex Talk" screed that even pedophilia has its advocates, those who are willing to understate its corruptive force. Well, here's the evidence. Assuming that this particular article has a definite right-wing agenda, and assuming that the rest of academia isn't signing on to this yet, it's still an unpleasant thought. It has been established as a principle that if an act does no physical harm, or no immediate, noticeable psychological harm, then there is no reason to speak against it. There is a degree of legal practicality to such a principle, other principles are needed to mitigate it. Again, we are undermining our ideal, and replacing it with nothing other than the phony feel-goodness. Eventually, we will be left with nothing to strive for, and every reason to give in to our baser instincts. And then we'll sit and wonder how society got so crass, lustful, and empty of content.

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