Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Climate Happens

It should surprise no one that a brief perusal of such right-leaning organs as News Max will yield an article refuting on or another of the sacred cows of the Left. It's instant blog-material. Today we have a climatologist at the University of Virginia, Patrick Michaels, sending another arrow at Global Warming.

I've long since come to the conclusion that climate scientists have become like economists: if you take five or six of them, stuff them in a bag, spin them around, and pour them out again, they'll come up with five or six different explanations for what just happened. Climatologists simply don't know what's going to happen. They're guessing, and that leads me to believe that we're pretty much safe. They earth may warm up a skosh, but we'll deal.

The environmentalist retort to such a conclusion is to insinuate that scientists who debunk global warming are in the pay of oil companies or conservative think tanks or other places where men with pointy hair and diamond-studded tie-pins smoke cigars wrapped in dollar bills. But Michaels offers a suitable riposte to such: that scientists who preach global warming are competing for government money. Government money is tied to politics, and politics achieves the best results when there is an alarm sounded. If there aren't any monstrous disasters confronting us, Congress will be less inclined to give money to scientists to study climate.

Vested interests run both ways. Who knew?

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