Friday, May 13, 2011

Ladd Ehlinger, Jr. is Awesome(O). Atlas Shrugged, Not So Much.

I've heard of this guy before. Ace of Spades has a serious Ewok crush on him. But I didn't know he had a blog. But it's going on the roll now, because this...

Don't get me wrong, though; I miss Olbermann. Dylan Ratigan, the reject from the "Young Turks" website who replaced Keith, is a complete tool. Ratigan has an apropos last name and a non-telegenic face. His voice is grating, and he can't form a coherent sentence. A humorless jackass with a two-bit haircut and a one-bit brain.
Don't even get me started on Lawrence O'Donnell and Ed Schultz. They always look like they are sucking on lemons and announcing the apocalypse. Lawrence O'Donnell stares into the camera with all the fake gravitas of a hypnotist who learned his craft off the back of a cereal box. Give it a break, losers.

...made me laugh harder than any blog post in a while. Then he gives the new Atlas Shrugged film, and Ayn Rand's prose a much needed rogering:

I read her books when I was in high school, then college, and I thought they were pretty bad even back then. As I re-read her tortured and miserable prose today in preparation for this review, I could only hear Eric Cartman's "Awesome-O Voice" saying "I. Am. John. Galt. I. will. bore. the. collectivists. to. death. and. save. the. world. with. lots. of. words. saying. the. same. thing. over. and. over. With. Uhm. Adam. Sandler."

That there's funny, I don't care how Objectivist you are.

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