Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Corrections and Other Failures of Prophecy -- My Self-Criticism Session

Anyone who presumes to pontificate on the subject of politics runs the risk of sending the Rake of Truth right into their lying face. So, going over what's been going on of late, I'm noticing these things that I have been dead smacking wrong about:

  1. I probably overreacted to the news of Obama's quiet burial at sea. We don't want to have a known  burial spot after all. And the Islamic world seems perfectly willing to believe that we did what we said we did. I still think giving him full Muslim burial is excessive, but I'm not going to jump up and down about it.
  2. The Bloom has been dusted off and put right back on the Rose. Apparently the Media Industrial Complex has only been looking for a reason to rediscover their fond adoration of Fearless Leader. Wacking Bin Laden seems to have given all the major talking heads in the Democratic Party a raging assassination boner profound appreciation of Obama's Leadership.
  3. Donald Trump is not going to go away anytime soon. Going all High Noon on Obama has put him right in the spotlight, which is right where Trumpy likes to be. I'm pretty sure its not going to matter, electorally speaking, but that's a subject for a different blog post, wherein I shall denounce not merely Trump but Trumpism. Just as soon as I define it.
  4. P.J. O'Rourke is not only not decrepit, he's lost none of his old Parliament of Whores rage at our mountebank aristocracy. Behold the opening paragraph of his latest philippic:
Wipe that smirk off your face, Mister President. “We cannot afford $1 trillion worth of tax cuts for every millionaire and billionaire in our society.” Is there some Sidwell Friends night school class liberal politicians take to perfect an expression of smug disdain? When Teddy Roosevelt was demagogue-in-chief he at least had the nerve to come right out and call the successful people he despised “malefactors of great wealth.” He didn’t simper and moue at his audience. Go ahead and say it, President Obama: Let’s steal from the rich and give to the poor. Never mind that we’re doing a pretty good job of it already. The top 5 percent of the nation’s earners are being soaked for almost 60 percent of America’s tax revenue.
Read the whole thing.

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