Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Cherchez les Fusils

The interesting thing to about this post by Omar at Iraq the Model is not the point that he makes, which is that the UIA is trying to spin American military action against the militias which are spinning the country toward civil war, as itself causing civil war. Such is allzu menslich in this Age of Political Projectionism.

What's worth pointing out is that the Iraqi troops our military has trained is still fighting side-by-side with them, still willing to put the smack down where the central authority dictates. That's proof, if proof is needed, that there is an awareness of Iraq-as-Iraq in that country still, and not merely Iraq-as-ethnic-divisions that our famously unbiased media keep feeding us.

So enough with the talk of tossing in towels. Enough of you "To Hell With Them" Hawks, with your "Jacksonianism" providing the perfume of machismo to cover the stench of your ennui. Ennui be damned. We have good men fighting and dying over there, and blood spilled round the world over whose vision of the future will prevail. Now is the time to remember that, in war, the side that wins is the side that taps out last. Look to the guns. We still have them.

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