Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Moore, On

I haven't seen any of M. Moore's films, and don't plan on starting now. Swallowing the rage at seeing just the commercials to "Fahrenheit 9/11" is about all I'm up to right now (indigestion: the Ideologues Complaint). But I've heard a bit, here and there, about his premise, and it seems to center on Saudi Arabia as the true home of terrorists (and doubtless, WMD's). If I'm wrong, you all know where my email address is.

But If I'm right, then riddle me this: if Saudi Arabia is the real enemy, then would Moore support war on that country, in retaliation for 9/11 and as deterrent for future 9/11's? Would he support this war even if George W. Bush were the Commander-in-Chief? Or are these allegations merely a distraction for the fact that he can't stand Bush and can't stand the thought of the U.S. being in a victorious war?

But I fear I am treading old ground again, and with a bit of research, I am right. Here's Christopher Hitchens, sounding off.

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