Thursday, December 11, 2003

Jonah Reams us One

Full disclosure: Jonah Goldberg is one of my favorite columnists, for style, wit and content combined, he's topped by very few. And his summation of the Supreme's upholding of McCain-Feingold is dead-on. But he also takes some folk to task:

By the way, where the hell is this much-vaunted blogosphere? If three freshman congressmen from Wisconsin hinted that they wanted to regulate the use of umlauts on the internet in honor of Leif Ericson's birthday, bloggers would be on the steps of Congress up-ending cans of gasoline on themselves in protest at such an infringement on free speech. But here we have all three branches of the government severely restricting independent speech outside of the dinosaurs of Old Media and the relative silence — minus a few noble exceptions (The Volokh conspiracy, Instapundit) — is deafening

Okay, big fella ("Hey, don't steal my material!" said an unnamed couch, who left shortly thereafter), we get the point. So we dropped the ball on this one. It happens -- the NYT barely noticed that there was an anti-terror demonstration in Baghdad yesterday. In fairness, Instapundit did hit it, and he's kind of like the blogosphere's Washington Post (Drudge being our New York Times). So, for that matter, did my evil twin at Skeptical Notion, albeit with a favorable stance toward McCain-Feingold. If we aren't leaping at this one, it may be because a level of cynicism has crept into the 'sphere regarding the SCOTUS. Of late it's been on an activist bender; perhaps "insane ruling fatigue" is creeping in.

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