Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Queen's Court of Alberta Legalizes Infanticide

Or something. (h/t Ace and NRO)

"Naturally, Canadians are grieved by an infant's death, especially at the hands of the infant's mother, but Canadians also grieve for the mother."
Do they? I don't. Please lay out who put a gun to this woman's head and made her give birth to her newborn son, strangle him, and then toss him over the fence into the neighbor's yard.
Her lawyer, Peter Royal, asked the court to do away with the penalty or allow her to serve the time on weekends. It was "unjust" and "almost mean to incarcerate her" at this point, he argued.
Right. And we sure wouldn't want to be mean to someone who murdered an infant. That would be horrible.

But don't worry, the court isn't about to get all licentious on this subject:
In her judgment, the judge rejected arguments from the Crown that the single father and the grandparent also face "the same stresses of the mind" as a mother who kills her own baby.
Silly daddy, infanticide is for moms!

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