Monday, August 01, 2011

The Economy isn't Yours to Fix.

Now that the debt-ceiling kabuki is done, the usual suspects are huffing and chuffing about "the people's business." Observe this tidbit from RealClearPolitics (h/t Ace):

Outside Washington, constituents are clamoring about the economy -- or, as U.S. Rep. Jason Altmire, D-McCandless, interprets it: "Let us know when you guys are done with the bickering, so we can talk about fixing our economy."
Translation: Now that we've raised the debt limit, let's get to work spending the damn money stimmalating things, shall we? Campaign commercials don't write themselves.

This silly bastard doesn't care about the economy. The economy is nothing more than a source for talking points for him. The economy's in the shit because the Great Stimulus didn't work, just like it didn't work in the 1930's. Government doesn't put money into the economy, it takes money out, and when it's done feeding its own oxen, it flings some around haphazardly so it can put signs up that say "I' from the government and I'm here to help."

You want to get the economy going? It's simple...

  1. Make the Bush tax cuts permanent. Tax uncertainty slows growth. Having this kabuki again does none of us any good.
  2. Drop our corporate tax rates in half. Unless you WANT to give companies incentives to keep moving overseas.
  3. In Fact, Reform the whole Damn Tax Code Already. What does the US Tax Code say? Whatever you can get a tax lawyer to make it say. The wealthy in this country already have the game rigged. A simplified tax code would reduce compliance costs on small businesses without ruining the hash of the bigger players.
  4. Stop Getting in the Way of Energy Production. We need to drill for oil, coal, and natural gas if we want to have energy today. We need to get nuclear energy online quickly if we want to have energy tomorrow. Your wind farms and solar panels are cute, and harmless, I suppose, but they aren't a replacement for what works, and they never will be.
  5. Let Things Take Their Natural Course. Recessions end. Depressions end. Businesses incapable of adapting to hard times end.  Other businesses batten down the hatches and ride out the bad times. They won't last forever unless we keep getting in the way of a recovery.
The economy isn't for Obama or the Congress to fix. In fact, the more they tinker with it, the more harm the will likely do.

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