Monday, July 11, 2011

Secession of Southern California

The usual write-up in the LA Times (h/t: Memeorandum):

Accusing Sacramento of pillaging local governments to feed its runaway spending and left-wing policies, a Riverside County politician is proposing a solution: He wants 13 mostly inland, conservative counties to break away to form a separate state of "South California.''

This occasionally happens on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, and for much the same reasons.

"Secession proposals are just ways of thinking about California, and are also ways for people who feel neglected get the attention that they deserve," said USC historian Kevin Starr, who has written extensively on California. "It's never passed, and it will never pass. It's been up to bat 220 times and struck out every time.''

Ah, but it only needs to work once.

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