Wednesday, April 06, 2011

The Ryan Plan Sucks. We Still Need To Do It.

Nothing a politician does, however intelligent or well-meaning, will be without unpleasant or unintended consequences. This is so true as to be axiomatic. Thus, whatever benefits we will get from the Ryan Plan, people will be unhappy with it. People will have problems in their lives as a result of it. It doesn't go far enough for the libertarians, and it will cause the Left to howl like it's face is being ripped off with a sandpaper-bedecked spoon.

Whatever. This is the last chance our government will have to put its fiscal house in order. After this, we face 1 of 2 options:

  1. Euro-style stagnation, complete with monstrously high taxes, permanent double-digit unemployment, and gradually collapsing demographics.
  2. Civil War II: Bloodshed Bugaloo.
We don't want either, and I suspect the first will lead to the second rather quickly.

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