Tuesday, March 15, 2011

There's Another Solution....

A crusading Clerk of the Circuit Court (Frank Conaway, who's running for mayor) stands up for a man who's been fighting for 12 years to keep his house from a variety of lawyers who have purchased the tax lien on his house, charged him rent, and filed duplicitous records.

In other words, the property owners rack up hefty interest charges on the debt, while the lawyer who bought it can then bill them for essentially selling the obligation back to them, with some legal fees tacked on. In the end the owner ends up paying thousands of dollars in legal fees and interest for what amounts to a dollar-value several times the original debt.

However wretched this kind of tax-farming is, whatever court case and whatever new ordnance Conaway has in mind, there are a couple of ways this could be prevented:
  1. Create a settlement system that allows the city to collect tax liens in a timely manner, as by monthly payments.
  2. Charge less in property taxes.
Is the government so incompetent that it can't even collect its own taxes?

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