Tuesday, November 23, 2010

But Don't Call it "The Ground Zero Mosque"

The fact that they've applied for 9/11 rebuilding funds means nothing. NOTHING.

In the end, Park51’s application is likely to be unsuccessful financially while mobilizing a new round of opposition. It’s a lose-lose proposition put forward by a tone-deaf organization that seems determined to alienate allies and embolden opponents.

I think that the true source of the outrage: the complete gob-smacked dumbfoundedness that anyone would be offended. "What, we're just applying for public moneys set aside to aid redevelopment of the lands our co-religionists laid waste to, so we can spread the good word of Islam. What's the big?"

It's like trying to explain table manners to a fifteen-year-old.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look, it was Muslims who flew the planes into the towers. Whether you like it or not, they are. The idea of having a mosque next to the attack site of islamic etremists, to most people, is bad. If they want to spread the word of islam, they arent doing islam a favor by building a mosque there. It brings bad memories to the people who were there to experiance it.