Friday, February 19, 2010

Le Scandal Sestak! Quelle Horreur!

The most scandalous thing about the Sestak Scandal is how scandalous it's not. Breathes there a soul so innocent that knows not the utter normality of such quid-pro-quoing? Deals, compromises, offers, this has been the stuff of politics since Sumer. Despite the promises of whatever Candidate of Change we elect every 16 years, it will remain the stuff of politics. That's why wingnuts like myself prefer that politics has as little stuff as possible.

More interesting than the substance of L'Affair Sestak is the fact of it. A Democratic candidate for Senate is publicly accusing a Democratic President of buying him off, before a primary election? Either Sestak hasn't thought this through, or Obama's in a lot more trouble than he's aware.

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