Friday, August 25, 2006

Meanwhile, in the Center Ring...

...Saddam's trials continues in the same spirit as before, and the continuing irrelevance of his antics are becoming clearer as nail after nail goes in:

The prosecution accused Saddam of ordering the Anfal campaign, and charged all the defendants with war crimes and crimes against humanity for their involvement in the Anfal campaign aimed at clearing the Kurdish along the border with Iran.

Saddam claimed that the special tribunal was illegal and refused to state his identity, only identifying himself as "the president of the republic and commander-in-chief of the armed forces."

Ken Frost, who maintains the blog, is of the opinion that "It would have been far better to conduct a Nuremberg style trial, where all crimes would have been placed before the court in one trial." And he's got a point, but that's not the way the Iraqis want it done, and I think I can understand their reasons.

Nuremberg was done for the pleasure of the conquering allies of a blasted land; Saddam's trial is being done by his own people. They apparently want every crime noted, every butchery denounced. I can't say I blame them.

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