Friday, March 11, 2005

Just who IS Gen-X, Anyway?

Here's a "30-Something" who calls herself Gen-X and writes a blog all about nostalgia for the 80's. Now I'm "20-something" (still), and I never even heard of Roxy Music. For me, 80's nostalgia means Transformers and the kind of fashion that the chick in Napoleon Dynamite wears.

Of course I'm Happy to see you, waddya think? GOSH!

All of which begs the question: if generations are defined by shared cultural touchstones, and people who are born at different ends of generations have different remembrances, then how valid can the determination of a "generation" be?

1 comment:

boxingalcibiades said...

Don't know about official GenX dates... I was born in 71, and don't know about Roxy music, either.

The only thing I can say about being GenX, is that I'm so incredibly not a baby boomer...