Friday, February 27, 2004

Have a good One, W-D

I am sorry to report that Whatever-Dude is closing it's doors. I've enjoyed their freestyle pop-culture commentary since I first happened upon their Creed massacre a few years ago, at a time when Scott Stap's Eddie-Vedder-wannabe-warble was causing me severe emotional distress. As a rule, the gang filtered in more than a little of the kind of hapless leftism that was a requirement for coolness pre-9/11, but they served as an excellent microcosm of my generation's insistence on applying High Art ideals to Pop Art product, and of mixing an educated vocabulary with dick-and-fart jokes. In honor of their passing, I invite you to read this exemplar: "I Am Jack's Younger Self": The Secret Connections between "Fight Club" and "Calvin and Hobbes" REVEALED!

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