Monday, June 27, 2011

I Hate HOA's...

...and this is why. In fairness to them, they're not denying the guy the right to fly the flag, just to have a flagpole, because they have rules about that sort of thing.

And that's the problem.

Who's goddamn business is it if a man puts a flagpole in his yard? How does that affect the property values of the nighborhood? It doesn't. It's just another example of how HOA's, and their architectural review boards, have turned into petty bourgeois soviets.

Neighbors have the right to insist that a man keep his his house in good order. They don't have the right to tell him how he may decorate it. To insist otherwise is to claim the right to enforce your own aesthetic -- and a boring, uptight, nerdy one at that -- on others.

The suburbs are never going to be perfect. There's always going to be that one family that paints a faux-Tudor bright canary yellow and replaces his front yard with a basketball court. The idea that I should do any more than shake my head at this, so long as he mows his lawn, is deeply offensive to me. I don't have the time to get that involved in the lives of others, and I deeply distrust anyone who does.

So all you prickly little turds who so busily furrow your brow anytime someone adds a privacy fence, who insist on saying "we have rules" to govern every aspect on home maintenance: Fuck. You. I pray earnestly for the Lord to deliver upon you a plague of silverfish and septic tank bursts unto the fourth generation.

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