Thursday, June 09, 2011

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is a RAAAAACIST

She's going to have fun being the bete noire of the rightosphere. She's got the silly name, and she put her foot in her mouth so far during WeinerGate that she swallowed her own knee Game On.

Is This Blog On has the skinny:

About 25 percent of African-American voters don’t have a valid photo I.D. I mean – and – and the reason it’s similar to a poll tax is because you’ve got the expense. You’ve got the effort.The – there’s difficulties for s- many people in getting photo I.D. So, you’re literally just throwing a barrier in the way of someone who’s trying to exercise their right to vote.
Now it would seem that W-S is speaking on behalf of African-Americans, which would seem to preclude all accusations of racism. But such childish remonstrances will not deflect from the obviousness of Debbie's White Privilege. I will prove it five ways, one for each of the A's in "RAAAAACIST":

  1. Racism by Paternal Assumption. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is a white woman. As such, she does not, and cannot have, any understanding of the black experience. Hence, for her to speak out on behalf of African-Americans, as though they did not have their own spokesmen, as though they were incapable of articulating their own needs as a community, is nothing more than the assumption of paternal authority. She imposes her own vision of what the black community needs without any reflection of how her own experience discolors her perception. Debbie should hold her tongue until African-Americans invite her to the conversation.
  2. Racism by Stereotyping. Debbie's argument rests on a single pertinent fact: 25% of African-Americans do not have a photo ID. She offers no explanation for why this might be, but nevertheless extrapolates that requiring a photo ID constitutes a "barrier" for them. She determines that procuring a state ID is something beyond the capacity of an African-American, something patriotic black citizens would neglect to do if it were required. What assumptions underlie this argument? Blacks are too poor, too lazy, too incompetent to visit a government administration office and pay $10 for a piece of plastic?
  3. Racism by Fear-Mongering. Racists rely upon fear to propagate their vicious creed. The hatred and distrust of another group of people cannot be maintained but but the constant inflation of imaginary or ancestral horrors. The analogy between a poll tax -- an deliberately exclusionary measure -- and requiring all voters, regardless of race, class, or religion, to prove their identity is preposterous on its face. Debbie, and educated woman, knows this. Hence to bring up this ancient curse attempts to frighten all listeners to abandon their reason and do as she says. It is a banal, American middle-class version of Blood Libel.
  4. Racism by Neglect. If procuring an ID is an unnecessary hardship for African-Americans to vote, then it must be an unnecessary hardship for other things: obtaining a bank loan, driving a car, drinking in a restaurant. How long has Debbie stood mum on these matters? Are we to believe that she considers political rights worth fighting for, but economic and social rights unimportant? 
  5. Racism by Unequal Protection. In some states, illegal immigrants can readily and easily obtain photo ID's. For most Americans (and by Debbie's admission, even most African-Americans), having a photo ID is a small rite of passage, simply part of being a grown-up. Debbie would have a majority of Americans, of all races, continue to meet this onerous burden while sparing those of a particular ethnic group. How can that be explained, save by racism?
Objections: It may be argued that I am arguing in bad faith. Being a conservative, I don't, and in some sense can't possibly believe some of the things I'm saying. I don't think that only black people should speak about black people, I don't think that protection from economic burdens is a government responsibility, and I can't honestly hold that the Poll Tax Analogy is a stretch while considering the Blood Libel Analogy perfectly rendered.

I answer that: So what? Debbie Wasserman-Schultz doesn't really believe what she's saying, either. She knows a Photo ID is a requirement for modern life. She supports giving the children of illegal immigrants Medicaid funding and access to public schools; she would probably hand out driver's licenses at the border if they'd let her. She's knows this has nothing to do with poll taxes or anything else. She's merely providing rhetorical cover for continued Democratic electoral fraud, for rounding up homeless people and giving them booze and cigarettes in exchange for votes, for keeping the voter rolls stuffed with corpses. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz argues to protect an American tradition as old as any poll tax. Boss Tweed would be proud.

So I give you the choice: Debs is either sincere, in which case she's a racist by the lights of her own ideology, or she's a cynical fraud. I don't care which side you come down on.

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