Friday, August 25, 2006

Doom is Imminent. Film at Eleven.

Iraqpundit on the coninuing STORY of a nation Gone to the Dogs:

The result, according to ABC news, is “encouraging.” The network reported that in the last two weeks, there has been a significant decline in violent attacks. The Iraqi ministry of defense says that violent attacks were down 30 percent, the U.S. military says the violence was down 22 percent, and both agree the numbers are preliminary.

This comes from ABC news and the WaPo, those bastions of neocon flackery. Bet they've all got Halliburton stock.

"In the past three weeks," he writes, "the U.S. military has killed about 25 death squad leaders, and captured more than 200," according to the officer leading the sweep.

But, by all means, lets continue shouting from the rooftops that Iraq is sliding towards civil war, already in a civil war, experiencing a low-level civil war, almost nearly half-way to a declaration of the possibility of a civil war, or whatever mush-meter you please. We've got Bush to bring down, after all.

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