Sunday, April 11, 2010

Confess your Whiteness!

Protein Wisdom links the usual insanity, white people are racists by virtue of being white, and any denial of this is taken as evidence of your racism. The obvious parallel is to the Inquisition, where denial of heresy was often taken as sufficient grounds to convict of heresy. A point I've made before (and been banned from web sites for saying). But commenter dicentra links a different point:

As a Canadian of Japanese ancestry, I have spent my entire adult life trying to allay the burden white people carry about their whiteness or my lack thereof. “No. I would prefer if you didn’t promote me to comply with your stupid, misguided and racist employment equity program.” Or of late: “No. I don’t find Sumo suits racist, but I find your pandering to my sensitivities very offensive.”
I have had people apologize to me for mentioning “sushi” or “Ninja” in everyday conversation. You don’t get more ridiculous than that.
So, you know what? I give up. Go ahead and knock yourselves out with guilt all you white people. In order to correct historic wrongs, all white people must hand over everything they own to me, the self-proclaimed representative of all non-white people. I will then redistribute as I see fit to all my fellow repressed non-white people. Now, maybe all you white PC, guilt-mongers will shut up and quit feeling remorse over your imagined superiority.
It's almost as though certain lefties, unable to deal with the notion that whites are not the redeemers of the world, have decided that they are the villains of the world, the "greatest murder, greatest kidnapper," in the phrase of Malcolm X. It occurs to me that this is just as racist as believing that God had ordained us to rule the world.


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