Wednesday, August 31, 2005

A Brief Note to Right-Wingers Who've Been De-Linking Instapundit:


Glenn Reynolds is a Libertarian, okay? That means he's not a Republican. That means he's less inclined to regard the ACLU as Knights in Satan's Service, kay?

What's the point, anyway? "We'll punish him for saying things we disagree with!" It's not like the guy's historically unwilling to let other people have their say, to UPDATE with contrary information. Nobody thought of taking that route?

I mean, let's say that the ACLU really is the nasty organization it's detractors say it is. What better way to get that message across than to have a genuine argument on the subject with one of the biggest blogs on the net? Instead, you look like doctrinaire buffoons. Nice going.


Anonymous said...

At least now I understand why you have never linked me in as a permalink: lest I lose you half your readership and you slip a rank on the blog ecosystems. That, and the minor point that we don't have all that many life priorities in common, that we tend to see most of those things that we do have in common very differently, and that I sometimes tend to write at moderate length about those things ;)

Andrew said...

Actually, it's because I'm a lazy bastard...but you knew that...;)

Anonymous said...

Not with the amount of writing you do, over and above teaching. (Maybe I should not have given in to the initial comment impulse? but appreciated.) And still staring in absolute amazement at the continuing Instapundit fallout ... "everywhere" but on Instapundit's pages. For once, we absolutely agree.