Monday, June 28, 2004

What the...?

I have become, in the middle of the summer, a frightfully busy man.

To begin with, I went on vacation for ten days, to Florida. Took my girl down to see the Magic Kingdom and whatnot.

Secondarily, I have to deal with certain family emergencies that will keep me from the home computer.

Thirdly, I have a week-long class later this month, in Bel Air. The things we do for raises...

Fourthly, I have ambitions: a novel that needs revision, songs to record and publish, a side project for my local Shakespeare group, on top of the time requirements involved in maintaining a household and trying to lose some weight.

In short, I've been a bad, bad blogger, and am beginning to wonder if I am determined to remain so. How much effort do I really want to devote to this space? What's the payoff for me? I'm reaching a point in my life where unprofitable time is starting to annoy me. As much as I like and sometimes need this stump to shout from, the time and muse it requires is a drain on my daytime.

So the future of the Notion is in serious doubt. Weep or cheer or shrug, as pleases you.

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