Thursday, February 19, 2004

I think I'm Becoming Repetitive...

But then, this is what tends to happen when, basically, nothing new is happening. Things are still blowing up in Iraq every now and then. We haven't decided what to do with our marriage laws. No one's been nominated for the Presidency yet (which won't stop anyone from writing and polling about November). We are...awaiting events.

I take comfort in the fact that it isn't just me. Lileks, for example, repeats his earlier argument of "Who Would Our Enemies Like to Win the Election?" to the nth degree. Heck, if this gets around enough, it might become a "meme".

So when I read this admission that the Bush Doctrine seems to be working (Link via Instapundit), I find myself saying "Good, Grasshopper." And then I find myself repeating myself:








There. Glad I got that out of my system.

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