Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Just so.

If a $1.4 trillion federal budget deficit represents sanity, they would prefer a candidate who escaped from the psych ward.

Steve Chapman, no friend of the Tea Parties, on why the're necessary.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Actually, George, it Means "Submission."

I am eagerly awaiting an explanation of how this is NOT using the public schools to spread religion.

But just try to lead some kids in an "Our Father" within 200 feet of a school. Waitin' for the ACLU on this.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tax Cuts For The Rich! Run!

Downpage in the mostly pedestrian account of the wrangling about continuing the current tax rates ending the Bush Tax Cuts, we have a quotation from the DNC's new fight ad:

“Boehner has a different plan,” the ad states. “Tax cuts for businesses and those that shift jobs and profits overseas. Saving multinational corporations 10 billion.”
Because, you know, if tax rates go up for business that can send jobs overseas, they totally won't do that.


Thursday, September 09, 2010

What. The. Fuck.

The Ayatollah, Sharia and Sex:

I was perfectly content to believe that Khomeini was simply a Pharisee, a legalist, a Raging Medieval Intolerant. I did not need to know that he raped a 5-year-old girl in order to dislike him. To know that he did, and that he justified it under the flimsiest of pretexts (as though rubbing your penis between someone's thighs is not a sex act), does not augment my dislike, but rather morphs it to a horrified nausea.

Please tell me that isn't the Q'uran that's being quoted. Tell me it's the Haditha. Whatever difference that might make.

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Conservative Priorities

Over at The Other McCain, Smitty has a solid post, Dodging Federalism, in which he points out that fiscal conservativism must come before social conservatism:

Social conservatives, and I am one, need to grasp that worrying about private behavior at the Federal level (e.g. variations of marriage) sets the precedent for much evil, like abortions and the Department of Education...
Traditions are organic; politics are plastic. The one can support the other, but cannot substitute for it.